Welcome To Jonathan's Journal

Jonathan Werran, 34, works and lives in Hammersmith, West London. Working in and around public affairs he welcomes all and sundry to his views, thoughts and opinions.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Through the eyes of children

Catching up with old friend Chris George, a professional photographer by professio (now he's ditched the world of telecomms sales for that of a fulfilling life) and walking from London Bridge station across the South Bank we came into a gut wrenchingly moving exhibition 'Through the Eyes of Children' .

Through the Eyes of Children began as a photographic workshop in 2000, conceived by photographer, David Jiranek, and inspired by the founder of the Imbabazi Orphanage, Rosamond Carr - an American woman living in Rwanda since 1955. Using disposable cameras, the children originally took pictures for themselves and to share with others, exploring their community, and finding beauty as the country struggles to rebuild.
I'd recommend you see the exhibition for yourself - it's close to the Oxo Tower. It moved me to a degree of anger and tears that having just come in off the pavement I hadn't prepared myself for. The plight of a family of five having to share a single thin blanket for warmth at night, a single bucket for food, washing, cleaning and other functions, young lives ruined or stunted beyond measure is a crime against all humanity.

And yes, we have seen it all before and are inured by and large to continued failure or neo-missionary despair when Sir Bobs and Bono do their thing for widescale media coverage.

But human life is not played out in front of cameras and TV crews; it lives as it is viewed through our own two eyes and perceptions. I guess that was the point of giving disposable and then digital cameras to the young children of the Imbabazi orphanage.

When you realise this is the daily worldview of lives that should be awakened every morning to a thousand possibilities for living, and yet glimpse the sheer humanity shining through poverty of a bleakness we simply can't imagine or even believe what is being presented to us on the walls of a Southbank gallery on an evening in June, when you realise this you understand that such human injustice against the happiness of all humanity must not be tolerated.

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